11f-usnle Nazi Low Riders

Nazi Low-Riders


The Nazi Low-Riders (NLR) began in the late 1970s in the California prison system. Youth incarcerated within the California Youth Authority were enticed by Aryan Brotherhood leader John Stinson to form a white supremacy organization. Stinson's goal was to use the organization as a strong-arm of the Aryan Brotherhood. The youth adopted the name Nazi to display their pro-white philosophy, and the term 'low-rider' came from white/Hispanic members of the gang. It was not until the early 1990s that the NLR was deemed a threat by law enforcement authorities.

Members of the gang often display tattoos promoting White Supremacy beliefs such as SWP (Supreme White Power), White Pride, White Power, NLR, the swastika, 88 (Heil Hitler), SS, lightning bolts and other Nazi-related images. Also satanic tattoos (skulls and demons) are commonly used by White Supremacy groups as well as Vikings and other Germanic and Celtic images. NLR members may wear T-shirts printed with white power logos and bands and adopt the Skinhead style of dress. Members often deny membership and claim the NLR stands for "never lose respect" or "no longer racist." Some Hispanic members have been accepted into the group, but according to one former member, "you must have at least half white blood, but no black blood."

The NLR has achieved a stronghold in several Southern California cities. They have been identified in several Western states both on the streets and in prison. It has been estimated the NLR has over 3,000 hardcore members and continues to be the fastest growing prison gang.

The NLR is notorious for several vicious attacks and murders in an attempt to promote their racists beliefs. Many members claim the primary purpose of their organization is the protection of incarcerated Whites, while others claim their goal is to "rid the streets of Blacks." Members are required to show loyalty to the White race and have a record of proven criminality. The gang has earned

the reputation as being the most vicious and fastest growing White supremacist organization both in prison and on the streets. The NLR is also heavily involved in the production and distribution of methamphetamine. In addition, they have been involved in robberies, extortions and numerous murders and violent attacks.

Latest reports indicate the Aryan Brotherhood has stated that the NLR should stop accepting members if they have mixed blood. Many NLR members have rejected this order, because they themselves or their friends are part Hispanic. It has been rumored that the Aryan Brotherhood has given approval for Public Enemy Number 1 (PENI) to murder any NLR members who have not accepted the AB's orders.

The Nazi Low Riders Oath

1. I, as a Nazi Low Rider, hereby swear an unrelenting oath upon the green graves of our sires, upon the children in the wombs of our wives, upon the throne of god almighty, sacred to his name, to join together in the holy union with the brothers in this circle and to declare forthright that from this day moment on that I have no fear of death, no fear of foe, that I have a sacred duty to do whatever is necessary to deliver our people from the Judas and bring total victory to the Nazi Low Riders.

2. I, as a Nazi Low Rider Warrior, swear myself to complete secrecy to the Order and total loyalty to my comrades.

3. Let me bear witness to you, my brothers, that should one of you fall in battle, I will see to the welfare and well being of your family.

4. Let me bear witness to you, my brothers, that should one of you be taken prisoner, I will do whatever is necessary to regain your freedom.

5. Let me bear witness to you, my brothers, that should an enemy agent hurt you, I will chase him to the ends of the earth and remove his head from his body.

6. And furthermore, let me bear witness to you, my brothers, that if I break this oath let me be forever cursed upon the lips of our people as a coward and an oath breaker.

7. My brothers, let us be his battle axe and weapons of war. Let us go forward by one’s and two’s, by scores and legions and as true Nazi Low Riders with pure hearts and strong minds face the enemies of our brotherhood and families, with courage and determination.

8. We hereby invoke the blood covenant and declare that we are in a full state of war and will not lay down our weapons until we have driven the enemy into the sea and reclaimed that which is rightfully ours. Through our blood and gods will, the land will be that of our children.


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