11c The Aryan Brotherhood Prison Gang


A Security Threat Group - STG


Prison Gang Name: Aryan Brotherhood 

Other Names: AB, Alice, Alice Baker, Tip, Brand

Origin:  The history of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang goes back to 1967.  Also known as the AB, the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang originated in the California prison system in San Quentin prison .

Background:  Originally this gang was established to provide protection for white prison inmates from Black and Hispanic groups and prison gangs. Some of the original members of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang had been members in a 1950's gang known as the "Bluebirds," and other names used were the "Diamond Tooth Gang" and the "Nazi Gang."

Ideology/Philosophy: The philosophical premise of the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang and its members consists of a mixture of ideologies of white supremacy and German and Irish ancestry. Over the years, the AB has moved away from the Neo-Nazi philosophy, with group members identifying more with Irish ancestry and Norse/Viking symbolism and history. The AB has a "blood in-blood out" philosophy meaning that members kill to gain admission and only are released from membership by their own death. Most members area political and the group's primary orientation now is drug trafficking.

Membership Characteristics: While consisting only of white members, there are documented instances where AB members, who are white supremacists, will associate with blacks (but not admit them to membership) when they are needed for drug and extortion transactions.

Before gaining membership, a recruit must prove his dedication by carrying out a murder of a person targeted for death by the AB. This ritual is called "making your bones." It is also known as "Blood in - Blood out."   Membership is considered to be for life; the only way out of the AB is by death, either by natural or by the hands of another (including an AB member).

Recruits must receive a unanimous vote from existing members. This often results in close association of numerous inmates who - while subscribing to the AB's tenets and having "made their bones" - are not actual members due to a failure to gain unanimous approval.

The AB is active in prison as well as in communities. Members released from prison are expected to dedicate themselves to supporting members who are still incarcerated.

Leadership/Organizational Structure: From all indications, key decisions and murders must be approved by a "Commission" before being implemented. Members of the Commission communicate via correspondence routed through third parties in the community or during social and attorney visits. In addition, gang members are often "writted" to a single institution from other facilities under the guise of testifying in a court case, so they can hold a gang meeting.

Geographic Locus: The AB has its origins in California, but has spread to numerous other locations, primarily through the prison experiences of the members.

Associated Organizations: Mexican Mafia, Hells Angels, Nazi Low Riders, Public Enemy Number 1 (PENI)

Antagonistic Organizations: La Nuestra Familia, Black Guerilla Family

Typical Identifiers: Although members of the AB ordinarily wear numerous and varied body tattoos. The true AB tattoo is a shamrock, the letters AB and three sixes. Only members of the AB are permitted to wear the "brand" of the gang; individuals found to be wearing the tattoo without consent of the AB are subject to being murdered.

The AB has realized that prison administrators often identify gang members by their tattoos, and on occasions has instructed members to no longer wear them. As a result, many members have removed or disguised their AB tattoos or on occasion hide AB tattoos on the hairline or underarms.

Harry Benson/Express/Getty Images - Convicts sit in the exercise yard at California’s San Quentin State Prison in 1965. The year before, the Aryan Brotherhood organized because of racial tensions in the prison.

Blood In, Blood Out

The Aryan Brotherhood Pledge

I will stand by my brother
My brother will come before all others
My life is forfeit should I fail my brothers
I will honor my brother in peace as in war

Arian Brotherhood Oath


“I swear my loyalty exclusively to * * *. To protect the family and promote its goals with the resources available to me at all times. I will honor the family laws, bringing respect to all kindred through my actions. My life is this and this is for life, my oath being given it shall not be broken.”



There will be a council consisting of (3) kindred. This council will reside where the largest concentration of family exists.  The council will establish and maintain the direction of the family by receiving input from kindred and enforcing the will of the majority. All major issues will be determined by majority vote conducted by council, no minority may control the direction of the whole.


The council will address all issues brought before it, including but not limited to, finances, grievances and disciplinary issues and resolve them in the light best suited to promote the goals of the family as a whole.  The council will control and determine how family funds are to be utilized.  Sub-councils may be established in other areas as needed for organizational purposes but must respect the direction established by the council.  Any councilman may be impeached by vote.



All kindred must swear their loyalty exclusively to the family, placing no thing before it in his priorities. No one shall be acknowledged as kindred until such time as he has read these laws and sworn his oath.  These laws are to be known to kindred only.  All kindred must conduct themselves by example at all times exemplifying the best qualities our folk have to offer; intelligence, loyalty, pride, righteousness and strength.   Kindred must continually strive to promote the goals of the family no matter where they are, inactivity will not be tolerated on any level.   Kindred shall assist each other in any way possible but no kindred shall exploit this generosity in any way.

Ø     No kindred may act in any manner to bring shame, disgrace or contempt to him or family.

Ø     No kindred may act to diminish any other kindred in his person or possession except as a lawful sanction.

Ø     Kindred shall never disrespect or criticize each other in public.

Ø     Kindred shall not disagree in public unless absolutely unavoidable.

Ø     Kindred have a responsibility to communicate with each other in order to stay appraised of current goals and issues.

Ø     No kindred shall give information/disinformation to any outsider who can be harmful to family in any way, if situation is not definite, no information shall be given at all.



Baptism is the priority goal for all kinfolk. They must seek baptism at earliest opportunity; failure will result in major sanction.  Until such time kinfolk are baptized they shall not be permitted to initiate progeny, hold any position of authority or vote on any matter involving major sanctions.



All projects/business will be conducted on a need to know basis.  No pacts or business shall be honored within the family or with outsiders unless the terms are compatible with our law.  No business shall be conducted by any folk, including kindred, without contributing to the family. This contribution shall be the maximum allowable percentage of the interest, without causing bankruptcy, up to 25%.  Any business financed by family funds retains 75% of the interest in that business and may pay individual(s) 25% interest to maintain that business.



Kindred shall only initiate progeny to promote the goals of the family.  Kindred shall initiate only (1) progeny at a time but may adopt another kindred’s progeny based on location convenience.   Kindred are responsible for the actions of their progeny.  Abuses of this privilege will result in sanctions.   Kindred must make his progeny aware of his responsibilities immediately upon birth, the progeny must commit to these responsibilities.


Ø     Progeny must, whenever opportunity presents itself:

Ø     Check out, orientate and evaluate the potential of all folk in his area.

Ø     Cache toys for immediate availability to kindred.

Ø     Initiate businesses or projects to stimulate capital for family.

Ø     Send $25 a month to lockdown.

Ø     Support kindred under any circumstance.

Ø     Follow any order by any kindred.

Ø     Be prepared for baptism.

Ø     Progeny life is a minimum of (2) years.

Ø     There may be a baptism prior to completion of progeny term to be applied upon successful completion of term.

Ø     Upon completion of successful baptism which is directly related to family interest with sufficient immersion,   consideration for progeny as kindred will be based on a demonstration of ones ability to promote the goals of the family.

Ø     No kindred will be recognized except by completion of responsibilities and majority vote.



Sanctions will be imposed on any kindred who fail to uphold their responsibilities. Appropriate sanctions will be determined on a case by case basis and will be applied as consistent as possible.  Major sanctions will be imposed for the following: a) Treason or betrayal. b) Any act committed where a reasonable person should have known would cause substantial harm to the family. c) Kindred who use the family to promote personal agendas. d) Kindred who participate in homosexual acts. e) Kindred who suspend a baptism based on financial, personal or lockdown considerations. 

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