The behavior of young people can change when they become involved with a gang.
Behavior at home
At home, behavior changes can mean:
- withdrawing from family
- secretive behavior
- blocking family from social media
- aggression
- unexplained injuries
- being late for curfew
- absconding from home
- breaking family rules
- pushing family boundaries
- new friends that you don't know
- expensive items of clothing, footwear, electrical goods, jewelry, watches
- increased amounts of cash
- unaccounted for money in their bank
Behavior at school
At school, behavior changes can mean:
- withdrawing from school
- loss of interest
- no longer attending school clubs
- a breakdown of friendships
- aggression
- unexplained injuries
- breaking school rules
- pushing boundaries
- lack of respect
- truanting or long term absences
- expensive items of clothing, footwear, electrical goods, jewelry, watches
- being dropped off at school in unknown cars or taxis
- being approached outside of school by unknown people
Behavior with professionals who work with young people
Around professionals, behavior changes can mean:
- secretive behavior
- not being open
- a change in your professional relationship
- being withdrawn
- aggression
- unexplained injuries
- not attending meetings or appointments
- concerns being raised by parents, guardians, teachers, social workers, youth workers
- being taken to appointments by unknown people
- arriving in taxis or unknown cars
- new mobile phones and not providing the number
- receiving calls throughout their sessions and wanting to leave quickly
- a careless, reckless attitude
- carrying weapons or things that can be used as weapons
- expensive items of clothing, footwear, electrical goods, jewelry, watches
- change in friends
- association with other gang members
- tattoos
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