9a HYBRID GANGS - what is a Hybrid gang



What is a Hybrid Gang?


The term “hybrid gangs” has been used a lot and basically it is a criminal or street gang with some very non-traditional characteristics.  In some ways, it is like a gang that is trying mimic the gangs they see on television, in the movies or on the Internet.  They may improvise their own set of standards and rules for their own gang.  Many times they are referred to as “copycat” or “wannabee” gangs.  Initially, they were found in rural and suburban areas and other places where “traditional” gangs did not normally exist.

The danger with hybrid gangs is that they may be unpredictable and the membership and leadership of the gang are not as identifiable as with traditional gangs.  Also, sometimes in law enforcement, we may tend to underestimate their impact and danger to the community and to law enforcement.  Nowadays, you can’t afford to underestimate anyone.

This is where you really need to know your backyard.

Here are some of the characteristics a hybrid gang may exhibit:

  • May not be neighborhood or turf oriented
  • Members may belong to more than one gang.
  • Members are of mixed, race, ethnicity and or gender.
  • May modify the traditional gang culture
  • May combine names, colors, symbols and identifiers of other gangs

Determining what is and what isn’t a gang especially with the hybrid type groups can be very difficult.  Here’s an article regarding the Insane Clown Posse’s lawsuit versus the FBI because their followers, known as “Juggalos” are considered a “gang:”

Here are some additional links that provide more information on hybrid gangs:

Hybrid and Other Modern gangs – OJJDP Bulletin 12/01 Co-authored by David Starbuck, Midwest Gang Investigators Association

Hybrid Gangs Bring New Challenges – Victorville Daily Press  10/27/12

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